Great News: Batch #1 has sold out. We are taking pre-orders for Batch #2 Dismiss
The only showstopper of my FLX1 I found so far is that mobile data (Vodafone in Germany) is not working (also indicated by the ! in the signal strength indicator). I had to set the APN by hand, but no change.
I tried several settings from 2G to 5G, the phone always displays 2.75G. What is this?
Sword said
Found Furilab's github and that was enough to push me over the edge and purchase one of these. I have long been a fan of Sailfish OS which is another halium/hybris OS, but currently living in the US and not readily having access to a Sailfish supported phone meant it was a no go (no VoLTE on unsupported phones).
Seeing US bands coming in the next update is fantastic, as well as fixing EU bands (I will be there in the coming months). Not sure if this only applies to data or VoLTE as well, but I am hopeful VoLTE is a top priority.
Welcome to the tribe @sword - The github is huge. Glad you found us.
@rasumi @sven - we have the fix - it was a issue with carriers and multiple APN's. The fix is comming possibly as a hotfix.
Hi. The fix to this issue will be included in 13.0.3 in about 10 days.
Awesome, looking forward to it!
I upgraded to 13.0.3. But the situation for mobile data has not changed. Modem indicator shows 2.75G again. The setting "SIM Toolkit" hangs and I cannot find the selection of 2G etc. anymore.
Also for me, it doesn't work yet after the update (Germany, Vodafone). Two new APN settings appeared and I tried both (whereas I already before tried one of them,, manually). Anything that I can provide (logs/command output) to continue the search for the error? Eagerly waiting for mobile internet 🙂
Hello, same situation after update in France ( SFR). I can also provide logs ...
To shed time light on this issue
this was split between 2 components. one was APN related which was fixed during the previous release and the other is related to radio access technologies. more precisely, modem getting stuck in a certain access technology such as 2G
we are working on this and we will push a hot fix soon to fix this issue for good
Thanks for the explanation. For being stuck on 2G: on my FLX1, I see frequently 4G and 5G being displayed in the top bar (without internet working), is that in accordance with your view of the error?
Marius said
Also for me, it doesn't work yet after the update (Germany, Vodafone). Two new APN settings appeared and I tried both (whereas I already before tried one of them,, manually). Anything that I can provide (logs/command output) to continue the search for the error? Eagerly waiting for mobile internet 🙂
olyavi said
Hello, same situation after update in France ( SFR). I can also provide logs ...
Howdy guys
can i get your telegram id or matrix id please?
Hello, yes thx.
@fakeshell: I sent a PM to you in this forum software - did that work (there seems to be no outgoing mailbox where I can check)? Are there any news on this topic?
PM system is broken. Will fix today. Please message here or email or telegram.
Update: @fakeshell debugged this yesterday remotely on my phone and found the problem, fixed it and provided an update which is already available via apt upgrade. Works now for me (Germany, Vodafone). Thanks a lot!
I guess the upgrade is only via special repos because apt update does not show anything new. But if it is difficult now, the monthly release will have it, as Wayne told me today.