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The only showstopper of my FLX1 I found so far is that mobile data (Vodafone in Germany) is not working (also indicated by the ! in the signal strength indicator). I had to set the APN by hand, but no change.
I tried several settings from 2G to 5G, the phone always displays 2.75G. What is this?
as this thread is fairly old, i will give an update to new users following up. all the issues regarding 2g/3g/4g were fixed up and tested on all affected devices. it has been in production for about two months now.
@fakeshell sorry, but it clearly isn't fixed for me (Germany, blau). In the beginning I had slow 2.75G (with some weird turn on/off tricks) but since the October update after each reboot it is seemingly randomly choosing between any combination of 2.75G / 4G and mobile data yes / no. If running for a while it has a clear tendency toward "no mobile data"
I see 3 APN in the settings, one is by me (values taken from other linux phone), no idea why there are 2 other APN. Switching between them has no significant effect...
What has an effect are the "big" updates - after them the chance that it is 4G + mobile data for a few hours are quite good...
So the trick is either find a hotspot or reboot the phone several times and hope it ends up with some mobile data.
Any idea what could cause this random effects?
Hi Tobias. please contact is in matrix or telegram whichever you are comfortable with and we can find a time slot to debug.
@fakeshell Hi, i have problems with mobile data, too ( I hope the issue will be fixed or described here.
Same issue in France with mobile data ( SFR ). I also try all settings combination network is blocked on 2.75G.
Some kind of explanation:
on adamd sdf blog post :
"Furi Labs FLX1 Linux Phone first impressions"
Same problem here (also Germany and Vodafone). Will it be possible to return or exchange the phone later if the problems are not fixable with a Firmware update or another Software fix?
Did you try to toggle mobile data on/off? I need to do that after every reboot before it works.
Yes, I tried that. Maybe I'm missing some setting or so? Here's the settings page how it looks without changing something: I toggled the button in the top right corner multiple times. Calling works btw (at least I heard a toot, did not test further).
(I set the APN to as it was automatically chosen and works on my android phone)
I have also try all this but no change the network is stocked on 2.75G.
I notice somthing strange but I am not sure if it is normal.
When I go in a terminal and I run the mmcli commande:
mmcli --modem=0
In the output
- the section: 3GPP EPS
- line: inital bearer apn
inital bearer apn : Orange
The inital bearer apn is Orange, but I am on SFR mobile network and the apn config is specific to SFR. I am not able to change this value even if I change apn via the phosh settings.
May be in the modem firmeware they are a sort of default association between default network setting and mobile network ?
I will try to find a Orange sim card and test what happend.
I am not a specialist and it is only hypothesis
In my output of mmcli, the initial bearer APN is also different from the one I should use as APN. Is this expected? Details: instead of
alaraajavamma said
Did you try to toggle mobile data on/off? I need to do that after every reboot before it works.
Yes. Does it matter if Bluetooth and WLAN are on or off?
Same here with / eplus in Germany. I did a "apt update && apt upgrade".
Tried to take the APN information from the pinephone and entered them in the posh settings.
Still stuck in 2.75G and even 'ping' is failing - but I can call people 🙂
May I repeat Sven's question if in case this can not be fixed by settings / software update / firmware update we can expect some kind of hardware fix / refund?
Please note that I have very limited expertise in mobile networks and modems.
I found this blog information nfos on internet html
I will try to force mmcli to change the initial bearer apn
mmcli --3gpp-set-initial-eps-bearer-settings="apn=whatever".
This issue also happens in the USA. I am currently working with the developer to get a fix. They think a firmware update can resolve the issue here in the USA, and I imagine that may help for the others affected as well.
Ivaylo Vasilev said
Hi,I found this blog information nfos on internet
Initial Bearer APN is incorrect
Aleksander Morgado html
I will try to force mmcli to change the initial bearer apn
mmcli --3gpp-set-initial-eps-bearer-settings="apn=whatever".
I gather this did not help?