Mint Mobile (T-mobile) working in USA, Northern Wisconsin rural area.
Hello all, just a quick hello, recently received phone, got all updates in place, a few must-haves loaded, and was happy to see when transferred my Mint Mobile SIM over, added in T-Mobile settings:
name: Mint
Waited some moments and was able to place calls & receive/send SMS straight away.
So just an FYI for anyone looking in this area, I am in very rurual part of state, but coverage same as my last phone. Much to learn, a Linux newbie, but the Android covers my needs on my joruney of transition
Also, love the phone, very solid, snappy response, & great screen.
Report later when get some time under belt as the daily driver.
@plaidpelican I am using ASN: wholesale offficial setting but am not getting mobile data to work in the US SMS and Calls over VOLTE works. Does mobile data work for you - using Firefox on mobile?
@plaidpelican actually when i set it to I was able to get data to work. With wholesale it only for some strange reason worked when it was in the process of connecting to my openVPN profile, but where connection never succeeded due to domain registration lookup error/or timeout