Great News: Batch #1 has sold out. We are taking pre-orders for Batch #2 Dismiss
I now used the FLX1 for some weeks and I'm generally impressed how well things work. Thanks a lot for this already awesome project. Just in case it helps, here's what still bothers me (apart from the mobile data thing which is being tackled currently):
less (but still) important:
Please tell me if one or multiple should be reported as feature requests to the respective projects (and which ones if it's not obvious).
Thanks for the feedback! Going to address them one by one, my responses in bold:
less (but still) important:
Thanks again for all the feedback!
Thanks for the detailled replies 🙂
Here are some more details to the points that weren't clear:
Hi there! Let's jump right in.
Thank you for the detailed follow up! Hope you are enjoying your FuriPhone 🙂
some notes i will add here from stuff i worked on which will improve some of the issues mentioned:
"alarm clock does not ring when the app is not open": this will be fixed during the 13.0.4 release.
"when the battery saver kicks in (when the phone goes into suspend), music starts to stutter (doesn’t matter if played in firefox, podcasts, an android app,…)": i'm pretty sure this was fixed in staging, will be included in 13.0.4
"sound in android apps sometimes works sometimes doesn’t (currently does not for a while, so I can’t use spotify atm)no clipboard sharing with android": i worked a lot on this, androids sound stack is annoying. it will improve a whole lot, not a 100% fix (will be included in 13.0.4)
if everything goes smoothly, 13.0.4 will be out on the 16th (tomorrow) so you can retry after updating and give us some more feedback.
That sounds awesome. Looking forward to the update (it hasn't happened yet, correct?) and will send an update when it arrives!
@jesus: yes, I'm already now enjoying very much my well functioning Linux phone, looking forward to it becoming even better with the monthly updates 🙂
I looked into the issues again after the update. Generally, many things improved and the alarm clock issue is solved - thanks!
Unfortunately, the "battery saver stops playback" issue is not resolved, it just got a bit better (it now takes ~10 instead of ~3s until it does not play anymore) - tried both with android apps (Spotify) and linux apps (Podcasts).
Also, Android sound improved a bit but both Signal voice messages and Spotify songs sometimes play and sometimes don't (current symptom is that the UI shows that the song continues playing but no sound is played), maybe some kind of race condition somewhere?
Also, sometimes (not new, but I forgot to mention before) all android apps stop working alltogether (don't start or are not shown when selecting the app) and then only restarting the whole android container setup (via settings) helps.
Another race condition seems to be still in the mobile data code (at least for Vodafone, Germany): sometimes it works and sometimes only restarting ofono / ModemManager and/or mobile data via the settings makes it work again. But I could not identify a "restart procedure/order" that always works. When it does not work, "ip r" shows again no default route.
Addition to clocks: setting an alarm does wake up the system but unfortunately setting a timer does not.
And another addition: “battery saver stops playback”: I've seen this work today. So it did not stop today after a few seconds when playing spotify (over bluetooth) and turning off the screen. Probably it's another race thing?
Marius said
Another race condition seems to be still in the mobile data code (at least for Vodafone, Germany): sometimes it works and sometimes only restarting ofono / ModemManager and/or mobile data via the settings makes it work again. But I could not identify a "restart procedure/order" that always works. When it does not work, "ip r" shows again no default route.
@marius : How do I restart ofono / ModemManager? I tried systemctl restart ... , which seems to work, but no change. systemctl status ofono shows: Error 44 setting pref mode
Even with the October release 13.0.4, I still have no mobile data - endless story ... (Vodafone Germany via Lidl-Connect).
Yes, I use systemctl restart for these services and for me that then sometimes works. I provided some logs to fakeshell and I think/hope somebody will debug that soon, maybe that will also solve your problem? I also see "Error 44 setting pref mode" in the logs but it also shows that when the connection works, so that's not the main problem.
Is your APN set to a proper value (see mmcli --modem=0)? For me, when the connection is established, ofonoctl shows values for Interface/Method/Address/Gateway/DNS in ofonoctl in the row for the APN "".
Marius said
Is your APN set to a proper value (see mmcli --modem=0)?
Marius said
For me, when the connection is established, ofonoctl shows values for Interface/Method/Address/Gateway/DNS in ofonoctl in the row for the APN "".
I have rows for , , ims . But only the second shows values (and these seem to be correct).
Furthermore, IMS status is show as "Not Registered".
For (banking) apps needing a set login password, i have the same need. Great to hear you will set an option for that!
Please implement this feature to make banking app work!!!