I could not find any instructions on moving apps from the Desktop into sub-Folders. In case anyone else is interested, here is how I ended up doing it. Sorry if I miss a step. In this example I will move the Calculator app into a folder called "Etc".
As root, edit /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop and append this to the end of the "MimeType=..." line: ;application/x-desktop
As root, mv /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Calculator.desktop Desktop/Etc
NOTE making *.desktop files executable may be a security risk!
cat > bin/deskopen << EOF #!/bin/sh Self=`basename $0` dir=`dirname $1` arg="$1" sus=0 log="$HOME/.local/log" if [ ! -d "$log" ]; then mkdir -p "$log"; fi log="$log/$Self"
block=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/[[:alnum:]\.\/_-]//g'` if [ x"$block" != x ]; then sus=1; fi if [ x"$dir" != "x/home/furios/Desktop/Etc" -a \ x"$dir" != "x/home/furios/Desktop/System" ]; then sus=$((sus+2)); fi if [ ! -r /"$arg" ]; then sus=$((sus+4)); fi
if [ 0 -lt $sus ]; then echo `date +"%b %e %R:%S"` `hostname`: "$sus: $arg" >> $log exit 1 else /usr/bin/dex "$arg" fi exit 0 EOF
chmod 755 bin/deskopen
At this point you should have an Etc folder on your Desktop containing the org.gnome.Calculator.desktop app. It should run when tapped, although the on-screen keyboard may come up. I am not sure why it does, but you can dismiss it by holding down the white "______" bar at the bottom of the screen. I suppose you could rename "org.gnome.Calculator.desktop" to "Calculator.desktop" if you like. Now to change the icon...